Royal Profile: Princess Amalia de Nassau

Princess Amalia Gabriela Maria Teresa de Nassau was born 15 June 2014 as the eldest child of Prince Felix of Luxembourg & Princess Claire of Luxembourg {Source}. She was baptized on 12 July 2014 with the following as her godparents {Source}:
As a granddaughter of the current Grand Duke and Grand Duchess of Luxembourg, Princess Amalia is the first female in succession for Luxembourg, after her uncle and father.

Although only hitting the terrible twos, she has already made a few public appearances. Most notably is when her family attended an audience with Pope Francis in March 2016 {Source}.

She will likely grow up learning to speak French (her father's native tongue), German (her mother's native tongue) and probably English.

She was named:
  • Amalia: Germanic origins, meaning work and likely a name her parents liked
  • Gabriela: For her maternal grandmother
  • Maria Teresa: For her paternal grandmother


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