Prince Philippe and Princess Mathilde of Belgium visit Thailand

March 17 (Day 1)

The Prince and Princess of Belgium arrived in Thailand, and proceeded to their hotel, and then to the Residency of the Belgian Ambassador, where they attended a brief welcoming ceremony {Source} Afterward, Prince Philippe innaugarated the bust of Gustave Rolin-Jaequemyns {Source}. Once the bust was inaugurated, the future monarch and consort paid a visit to the Wat Pho, Phra Nakhon District {Source}{Photos}{Video}

March 18 (Day 2)

In the morning, the future Belgian monarch and Belgian consort attended a meeting with the Thai Minister of Commerce {Photos}.

After the meeting was over, the royals went their separate ways for a few hours. Prince Philippe attended a AGEAS presentation with the Thai Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, a " power luncheon" with various Prime ministers of Thailand {Source} and a meeting with the Thai Minister of Agriculture & Cooperatives entitled Agro-Food Possibilities in Thailand {Source}

While her husband was in meetings and attending luncheons, Princess Mathilde attended the opening of the exhibit Three Colors of Belgium  at the Bangkok Art & Culture Center {Source}. Like her husband, she also attended a luncheon, only hers was "...with Belgian and Thai business women..." {Source}. After her luncheon, the future Belgian Queen participated in a round-table discussion on microfinance in Thailand {Source}.

After their separate activities, the future monarch and consort of Belgium reconvened together for a meeting with the Prime Minister of Thailand {Source}, before attending an evening gala reception and dinner {Source}.

Photos Day 2

March 19 (Day 3)

Day three of their visit began with an event for Princess Mathilde. She began her busy day by attending a seminar on Women's Empowerment {Source}. Meanwhile, the Prince and his delegation attended the opening of the information session on ‘Infrastructure & Logistics’. After her seminar, the future Belgian Queen attended a meeting with representatives of Thailand's internaational delegations of the UN, World Bank ADB and WHO {Source}. While his wife was meeting with representatives, the future Belgian monarch attended the opening of the 10th anniversary of the Emeritis in Thailand{Source}, a meeting with the Minister of Industry {Source} and an informal luncheon with the Thai Young Global Leaders {Source}. Prince Philippe attended a "power luncheon"  on 'infrastructure' {Source}, while his wife attended an informal meeting with business women of the Belgian delegation {Source}. Then the future monarch met with the Minister of Public Health, before attending the opening of the opening of the information session ‘Healthcare & Pharmaceuticals’, where the Prince and his delegation were joined by his wife {Source}. After the opening, the royal pair went their seprate ways once again: she off to visit the Chancherngsao Province with the delegates from the WHO to visit the comminity health system, and he off to yet another Minstry meeting, this time with the Minister of Energy {Source}. Before returning to their hotel, the future King of the Belgians attended the opening of the information  session ‘Clean technology & Renewable
energy’ {Source} {Photos}{Photos}.

March 20 (Day 4)

They began their day with a visit to the Map Ta Phut Industrial Estate, where they met with representatives from the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand and toured the Environmental Monitoring and Control Center {Source}.

Later on, Prince Philippe attended the opening of the seminar Port of Zeebrugge: The Role of Eurpope's Leading Automotive Port {Source}, while his wife visited the Vinythai Coral Reef Project {Photos}.

That evening, they attended a gala dinner to celebrate the 20th anniversary of BELUTHAL {Photos}

March 21 (Day 5)
Prince Philippe and Princess Mathilde attended the re-opening ceremony of the Thai-Belgian Friendship Bridge {Photos}. Afterwards, Princess Mathilde visited the Kredtrakarn Protection and Occupational Development Center {Photos}.

March 22 (Day 6)
Before boarding their plane back to Belgium, the future King & Consort paid a visit to the Sea Farm Learning Center, met with King Adulyadej and the press {Source}


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