A Quick Note From the Editor-in-Chief

To My Readers:

I have turned off commenting on this blog for now, due to some disrespectful and inappropriate comments towards articles on the blog and myself personally. Notes:

  • If you notice an error on the blog...send me an email letting me know EXACTLY where the mistake is (a link to the article, and the line where the mistake is in the article) and what the correction is. If it's a mistake in time frame of an event or something like that...send me a legitimate source (Wikipedia is not a legitimate source, folks, neither are tabloids) that states otherwise.
  • Keep in mind-I have a blogspot, and a Tumblr for this. Links are helpful if there is a problem or error. Not to mention common courtesy if you're going to point out an error
  • If you don't care for an article....simple, easy concept: DON'T READ IT. There's no need to post WHo cArEs to an article anonymously. That just reflects badly on you, even anonymously, especially with type-face like that. Really? Are you in elementary school? Come on. Grow up.
  • If you are a daily digest subscriber and suddenly stop receiving the emails....try visiting the blog page here. I recently had that happen to me with another royal blog, and visited the blog one day on a whim for some reason...and the emails started coming again that same night. It's a glitch in the blog-system, and has nothing to do with me.

As always-
  • If you have an idea for an article, email me.
  • If you have a suggestion for the blog emailme.
  • If you want to write your own article email me.
  • If you notice a mistake on the blog somewhere, email me where it is on the blog.

(seeing the pattern here?)

Happy New Year and I hope you all had a great holiday season.



Editor-in-Chief, The Royal Fanzine

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