Royal Profile: Princess Tessy of Luxembourg

Princess Tessy of Luxembourg was born Tessy Antony on 28 October 1985{Source}. She attended a technical high school in Pétange, Luxembourg, prior to following her brother's footsteps and joining the army.

With her career in the Luxembourg Army, she has participated in missions in Yugoslavia and Kosovo. During her mission in Yugoslavia, she met Prince Louis, who was there visiting the Luxembourg troops.

She and Prince Louis of Luxembourg were married on 29 September 2006{Source}. Upon their marriage, the prince gave up his succession rights and those of their son Gabriel, and any of the couple's future children, although Prince Louis retains his title of Prince of Luxembourg and the style of Royal Highness while his and Antony's sons were initially given the surname de Nassau with no titles{Source}. On Luxembourg's National Day 2009, Ms. Antony and her two sons were given titles by the Grand Duke{Source}. Her title was Her Royal Highness Princess of Luxembourg, while her sons (and any subsequent children) would be His/Her Royal Highness Prince/ss de Nassu {Source}.

Together, they have two sons:

  1. Prince Gabriel de Nassau (2006)
  2. Prince Noah de Nassau (2007)

Princess Tessy and her sons were granted the title Prince/ss of Luxembourg during the 2009 National day celebrations. Prior to this, they were Prince/ss de Nassu.


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